Constantinos Hadjichristofi is a registered clinical psychologist (378) with the Psychologist board of registration in Cyprus and a member of the New Zealand board of registration.
He has been trained initially during his Universıty years in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which is probably the most evidence based treatment that presently exists. He has followed up on the practice by receıvıng additional training in CBT with a primary focus on workıng wıth Chıldren and adolescents.
Stemming from a personal interest but also in keeping with developments in the field he has explored CBT third wave, namely the contribution of Mindfulness on cognitive and behavioral therapy. This has been one of the most powerful therapeutic developments within the last 15 years. In exploring how CBT can be influenced by Mindfulness he has received training and become an accredited teacher for Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for adults, as well as a member of the European Association of Mindfulness based approaches. Following his interest in working with Children he also become a mindfulness teacher for Children from the ages of 4 year old to 19 year old.
The workings of Conflict resolution and by implication its influence in Divorce mediation has lead him to achieve a Diploma in Solutions Focused Approach. The approach explores on the existing strengths and skills of the interested parties while at the same time helping them build what is a working narrative( solution) for them.

"All the world is my school and all humanity is my teacher." G.Whitman

As a Health care professional Constantinos is committed to continuing education. Expanding his knowledge in the field of Psychology but also beyond it. Always trying to follow the dictum that if you truly want to learn something you need to teach it.
Registered Clinical Psychologist
New Zealand Board of Registration
Diploma in Solution focused Approach
Certificate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Children and Adolescence
SDS Seminars
Vocational Trainer
Cypriot Developmental Agency of Human Resources
Adolescent trainer-Mindfulness Matters!
Academy of Mindful Teaching
Children trainer-Mindfulness Matters!
Academy of Mindful Teaching
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher
Institute of Mindfulness Based Approaches
Mindfulness Based Compassionate Living Teacher
Coninuing Education
Compassion Focused Therapy
Therapy for Grief
Prof.Darcy Harris
Self Criticism
Dr Paul Gilbert
Dr Hanna Gilbert
Pain Management
Dr Zoey Malpus
Resistance in Therapy
Dr Paul Gilbert
Compassionate Self
Dr Paul Gilbert
Eating Disorders
Dr Ken Goss
Tolerance of Emotional Distress
Core Beliefs of Never Good Enough
Fear of Rejection
Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
Vagal System and Trauma
DBT Skills for Adults & Adolescents

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